Agnieszka Duc Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA). Graduated from the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) and Town Planning at the Wrocław University of Technology. Excellent organisation skills. Keen on travelling, which gives her inspiration for her work. Has two children: Wiktor and Pola.
Mariusz Pasek Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA).Graduated from Horticulture Technical College in Warsaw and the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). In the years 1996-1998 he was head of the garden section in the monthly magazine Murator. He has great aesthetic sensitivity as well as engineering sense. In his free time he plays a bass guitar. He has four children: Marcelina, Matylda, Mikołaj, and Marysia.